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Should C++ programmers use std::flush frequently? [duplicate]


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Why do we need flush C++?

C++ manipulator flush is used to synchronize the associated stream buffer with its controlled output sequence. For the stream buffer, objects that implement intermediate buffers, flush function is used to request all characters written to the controlled sequence.

What does std :: flush do?

std::flushFlushes the output sequence os as if by calling os. flush(). This is an output-only I/O manipulator, it may be called with an expression such as out << std::flush for any out of type std::basic_ostream.

Is std :: endl necessary?

There is rarely a need for std::endl , and getting in the habit of using it will lead to mysteriously slow code. Just use '\n' unless you know you need to flush the buffer.

Do you need to flush cout?

If you want the output to be displayed before each function call, you must flush the output stream. A stream is flushed implicitly in the following situations: The predefined streams cout and clog are flushed when input is requested from the predefined input stream (cin).

Is it recommended that C++ programmers frequently write lines like

std::cout << "output: " << i << " and " << j << std::flush; //more std::cout << "ending newline." << std::endl; //endl does flush 

In other words, in output lines that don't have endl, should we be flushing alot, just in case? Or is this not really needed anymore these days on most platforms?