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shortcuts for netbeans to select next word for multiple editing



Is there any shortcuts to select next word in netbeans?

Like Ctrl+d in Sublime text select word (repeat select others occurrences in context for multiple editing)

like image 240
Mithun Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 04:01


People also ask

How edit multiple lines in NetBeans?

Just press Shift + Ctrl and hold it down, now left click your mouse anywhere as many times as you need to. NetBeans Development version allows you to edit multiple lines like in Sublime Text.

How do I select a line in NetBeans?

Most GUIs, including Netbeans, allow you to select a word by double-clicking on it and an entire line by triple-clicking on it. selection-end-line (Shift+End) selection-down (SHift+Down) for as many lines as you want.

1 Answers

In netbeans you can use CTRL + J (in MacOSX CMD + J).

See https://stackoverflow.com/a/39869089

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Slavko Stojadinovic Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 04:01

Slavko Stojadinovic