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Save open files (session) in NetBeans

I would like to save actually open files (tabs) and revert session (group of files) next time. Is there any options in NetBeans IDE 7.1.2? I know that NetBeans save automatically list of files that were opened when I quit the IDE. How to save opened files and switch between sessions?

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Ues Avatar asked Aug 22 '12 07:08


People also ask

How do I save a file in Netbeans?

Select File > Save from the main menu. This will automatically save the source code in that is open in the active tab of your Netbeans workspace.

Where does Netbeans store files?

You can find your project directory by going to the "Netbeans "Projects" tab, right-clicking in your project folder and selecting "Properties". The "Project folder" will be shown on at the top of the new window displayed (i.e. "C:\Users\admin\Documents\NetBeansProjects\YourProjectName").

How do I open a file in Netbeans?

Click on Tools, then Options, then on the Keymap icon in the tool bar of the dialog. In Search: type "Open Fi" and you should see "Open File..." in the Actions list.

How do I open a directory in Netbeans?

To open a local file/folder (as a file-explorer) in Netbeans, in the top menu-bar goto: Window -> Favourites (or press Ctrl+3), this will open 'Favourites' pane, here you can open files or folders (in Linux, by default you will see your 'home' directory).

2 Answers

You are looking for Project Groups. Take a look at the File > Project Group menu.

There you can create Project Groups that defines a list of opened projects. You can then switch from groups and the chosen projects will be opened/closed.

Netbeans saves the list of opened files per project so:

  • if your groups do not share projects, you'll get the behaviour you want.
  • if your groups share projects, the files opened in theses projects will follow you when switching between the groups.

<3 Netbeans

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eskatos Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 05:01


Try Tab Groups.

In Netbeans (at least in version 7.3.1), click: Window > Configure Window > New Document Tab Group

Now, open a new file and it should open in a separate window.

Then, you can toggle the Maximize Window / Restore Window buttons to switch between your windows / tab groups.

Restore Window Restore Window Button

Maximize Window Button Maximize Window Button

This is a convenient way to switch between sets of files, although you technically aren't saving these sets as you asked in your question. It does remember these tab groups when you close and reopen Netbeans, though.

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monalisa717 Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 06:01
