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Shortcut for moving a block of code over 4 indents in IntelliJ IDEA

Does anyone know the shortcut for shifting a block of code in IntelliJ over by a few indents?

(For the CSS editor, Coda, I used to select the block or blocks of code and use the shift and left or right carrot symbols to shift the code right or left.)

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Chapsterj Avatar asked Jun 25 '12 16:06


People also ask

How do I move a block of code in IntelliJ?

To move (swap) a code element to the left or to the right, place the caret at it, or select it and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left for left or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Right for right.

How do I move an indent in IntelliJ?

Reformat line indents You can reformat line indents based on the specified settings. While in the editor, select the necessary code fragment and press Ctrl+Alt+I . If you need to adjust indentation settings, in the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | Code Style.

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Source menu -> Click "Shift Left" or "Shift Right"

How do I move multiple lines in IntelliJ?

Moving Content Up or Down in Your Class With your caret on a line, you can press ⌥⇧↑ (macOS), or Alt+Shift+Up Arrow (Windows/Linux), to move a line up. Alternatively, you can move a line down with ⌥⇧↓ (macOS), or Alt+Shift+Down Arrow (Windows/Linux). The same shortcut can move a selection up or down.

1 Answers

These are common Indent and Unindent actions, default shortcuts: Tab and Shift+Tab.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
