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intellij 14 does not show all open files

In Intellij 13 the main code window showed all my open classes (their names flowed onto multiple lines), but now in Intellij 14 it shows a little dropdown and only shows them on one line. Is there a setting I can change to get it to flow to multiple lines again?

like image 939
CorayThan Avatar asked Nov 05 '14 22:11


People also ask

How do I open multiple files in IntelliJ?

2) To open multiple files at once -- just select them there (Ctrl+Click works fine here on Windows) and hit Enter.

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You can use Find Action with ⌘⇧A (macOS), or Ctrl+Shift+A (Windows/Linux), and then type in 'Show virtual space at the bottom of the file'.

2 Answers

In Preferences, under Editor > General > Editor Tabs, untick the "Show tabs in single row" option.

like image 154
Makoto Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 16:09


IntelliJ IDEA 15

  • File > Settings... or press Ctrl + Alt + S

    File Settings

  • Editor > General > Editor Tabs > Show tabs in single row

    Editor General Editor Tabs Show tabs in single row

    If your work with a small number of file types, I recommend you to check the Hide file extension in editor tabs, too. I usually work with Java and XML files and I can easily recognize them because only the Java file names are in camel case.

like image 31
ROMANIA_engineer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
