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Shortcut for formatting code in Monodevelop?



Is there a way to format code using a keybinding in Monodevelop? Format Code In MonoDevelop claims you can use Control + I but it does not appear to work.

like image 805
wonton Avatar asked Jan 04 '14 01:01


2 Answers

Tools->Options->Key Bindings

Scroll to 'Edit' section and give a keybinding to the 'Format Document' command

enter image description here

Brownie points for whoever guesses what IDE I'm used to :D

like image 72
Jacob McKay Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

Jacob McKay

The only workaround I discovered is under

Tools->Options->Text Editor->Behavior

You can check the option Format document on save which lets you use Control+s to save and format code.

like image 43
wonton Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09
