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Short-circuiting list comprehensions [duplicate]

On several occasions I've wanted python syntax for short-circuiting list comprehensions or generator expressions.

Here is a simple list comprehension, and the equivalent for loop in python:

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 'potato', 4, 5]
[x for x in my_list if x != 'potato']

result = []
for element in my_list:
    if element != 'potato':

There isn't support in the language for a comprehension which short-circuits. Proposed syntax, and equivalent for loop in python:

[x for x in my_list while x != 'potato']
# --> [1, 2, 3]

result = []
for element in my_list:
    if element != 'potato':

It should work with arbitrary iterables, including infinite sequences, and be extendible to generator expression syntax. I am aware of list(itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x != 'potato'), my_list) as an option, but:

  • it's not particularly pythonic - not as readable as a while comprehension
  • it probably can't be as efficient or fast as a CPython comprehension
  • it requires an additional step to transform the output, whereas that can be put into a comprehension directly, e.g. [x.lower() for x in mylist]
  • even the original author doesn't seem to like it much.

My question is, was there any theoretical wrinkle about why it's not a good idea to extend the grammar to this use case, or is it just not possible because python dev think it would be rarely useful? It seems like a simple addition to the language, and a useful feature, but I'm probably overlooking some hidden subtleties or complications.

Related: this and this

like image 679
wim Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 03:06


People also ask

How much faster are list comprehensions than for loops?

As we can see, the for loop is slower than the list comprehension (9.9 seconds vs. 8.2 seconds). List comprehensions are faster than for loops to create lists. But, this is because we are creating a list by appending new elements to it at each iteration.

Are list comprehensions memory efficient than generator comprehensions?

So what's the difference between Generator Expressions and List Comprehensions? The generator yields one item at a time and generates item only when in demand. Whereas, in a list comprehension, Python reserves memory for the whole list. Thus we can say that the generator expressions are memory efficient than the lists.

Are list comprehensions for loops?

List comprehensions are also more declarative than loops, which means they're easier to read and understand. Loops require you to focus on how the list is created. You have to manually create an empty list, loop over the elements, and add each of them to the end of the list.

1 Answers

Turns out, as @Paul McGuire noted, that it had been proposed in PEP 3142 and got rejected by Guido:

I didn't know there was a PEP for that. I hereby reject it. No point wasting more time on it.

He doesn't give explanations, though. In the mailing list, some of the points against it are:

  • "[comprehension are] a carefully designed 1 to 1 transformation between multiple nested statements and a single expression. But this proposal ignores and breaks that. (here)." That is, the while keyword does not correspond to a while in the explicit loop - it is only a break there.
  • "It makes Python harder to learn because it adds one more thing to learn." (cited here)
  • It adds another difference between generator expressions and list-comprehension. Seems like adding this syntax to list comprehension too is absolutely out of the question.

I think one basic difference from the usual list comprehension is that while is inherently imperative, not declarative. It depends and dictates an order of execution, which is not guaranteed by the language (AFAIK). I guess this is the reason it is not included in Haskell's comprehensions, from which Python stole the idea.

Of course, generator expressions do have direction, but their elements may be precomputed - again, AFAIK. The PEP mentioned did propose it only for generator expressions - which makes some sense.

Of course, Python is an imperative language anyway, but it will raise problems.

What about choosing out of a non-ordered collection?

[x for x in {1,2,3} while x!=2]

You don't have it in simple for loops too, but that's something you can't enforce by the language. takewhile answers this question, but it is an arbitrary answer.

One last point, note that for consistency you will want support for dropwhile. something like

[x for x in my_list from x != 'potato']

Which is even less related to the equivalent for construct, and this time it is not possibly short circuit if my_list is just an iterable.

like image 135
Elazar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10
