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Can't get bottle to run on Elastic Beanstalk

I've got a website written in bottle and I'd like to deploy it via Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk. I followed the tutorial for deploying flask which I hoped would be similar. I tried to adapt the instructions to bottle by making the requirements.txt this:


and replaced the basic flask version of the application.py file with this:

from bottle import route, run
def hello():
    return "Hello World!"
run(host='', debug=True)

I updated to this version as instructed in the tutorial, and when I wrote eb status it says it's green, but when I go to the URL nothing loads. It just hangs there. I tried the run() method at the end as it is shown above and also how it is written in the bottle hello world application (ie run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)) and neither seemed to work. I also tried both @route('/hello') as well as the @route('/').

I went and did it with flask instead (ie exactly like the Amazon tutorial says) and it worked fine. Does that mean I can't use bottle with elastic beanstalk? Or is there something I can do to make it work?

Thanks a lot, Alex

EDIT: With aychedee's help, I eventually got it to work using the following application file:

from bottle import route, run, default_app
application = default_app()
def hello():
    return "Hello bottle World!"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    application.run(host='', debug=True)
like image 732
Alex S Avatar asked Apr 27 '13 23:04

Alex S

1 Answers

Is it possible that the WSGI server is looking for application variable inside application.py? That's how I understand it works for Flask.

application = bottle.default_app()

The application variable here is a WSGI application as specified in PEP 333. It's a callable that takes the environment and a start_response function. So the Flask, and Bottle WSGI application have exactly the same interface.

Possibly... But then I'm confused as to why you need that and the call to run.

like image 127
aychedee Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09
