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Shell script argument parsing

There are a number of questions about this sort of thing but lets imagine we are targeting a generic Linux system with both getopt and getopts installed (not that we'll use either, but they seem popular)

How do I parse both long (--example | --example simple-option) and short argruments (-e | -esimple-example | -e simple-example)

like image 691
Peter Coulton Avatar asked Apr 15 '10 04:04

Peter Coulton

People also ask

How do I parse bash script arguments?

Bash scripts take in command-line arguments as inputs both sequentially and also, parsed as options. The command-line utilities use these arguments to conditionally trigger functions in a Bash script or selectively choose between environments to execute the script. In Bash, these are configured in different ways.

What is parsing in shell script?

It mainly utilize the “internal field separator” or IFS , and the read builtin function. The first step is to split the string using new line, with IFS=$'\n' . Then we split using the colon : , and use read -ra vals to split the input and put it in an array.

How do you read an argument in shell script?

The special character $# stores the total number of arguments. We also have $@ and $* as wildcard characters which are used to denote all the arguments. We use $$ to find the process ID of the current shell script, while $? can be used to print the exit code for our script.

How do I parse a command-line in bash?

To parse short command-line options, we can use bash's built-in function getopts. It parses positional parameters as options.

1 Answers

You want to use getopt with long and short options. An example from working code:

# Parse arguments
TEMP=$(getopt -n $PROGRAM_NAME -o p:P:cCkhnvVS \
--long domain-password:,pop3-password:\         
,create,cron,kill,help,no-sync-passwords,version,verbose,skip-pop3 \
-- "$@")                                                            

# Die if they fat finger arguments, this program will be run as root
[ $? = 0 ] || die "Error parsing arguments. Try $PROGRAM_NAME --help"       

eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true; do     
        case $1 in 
                        MODE="CREATE"; shift; continue
                        MODE="CRON"; shift; continue  
                        MODE="KILL"; shift; continue  
                        exit 0                        
                        SYNC_VHOST=0; shift; continue 
                        DOMAIN_PASS="$2"; shift; shift; continue
                        POP3_PASS="$2"; shift; shift; continue  
                        printf "%s, version %s\n" "$PROGRAM_NAME" "$PROGRAM_VERSION"
                        exit 0                                                      
                        VERBOSE=1; shift; continue                                  
                        SKIP_POP=1; shift; continue                                 
                        # no more arguments to parse                                
                        printf "Unknown option %s\n" "$1"                           
                        exit 1                                                      

Note, die is a function that was defined previously (not shown).

The -n option tells getopt to report errors as the name of my program, not as getopt. -o defines a list of short options (: after an option indicates a needed argument) and --long specifies the list of long options (corresponding in order to the short options).

The rest is just a simple switch, calling shift appropriately to advance the argument pointer. Note, calling shift; shift; is just a die hard habit. In the currently modern world, shift 2 would probably suffice.

The modern getopt is pretty consistent over newer platforms, however you may encounter some portability problems on older (circa pre Redhat 9) systems. See man getopt for information about backwards compatibility. However it's unlikely that you'll run into the need for it.

Finally, after parsing options, you can once again call:

eval set -- "$@"

This will move the argument pointer to anything else left on the command line after getopt was done parsing options. You can then just shift to keep reading them. For instance, if a command looked like this:

./foo --option bar file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Don't forget to make a handy -h / --help option to print your new fancy options once you're done. :) If you make that output help2man friendly, you have an instant man page to go with your new tool.


On most distributions, you can find more example getopt code in /usr/share/doc/util-linux/examples, which should have been installed by default.

like image 160
Tim Post Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Tim Post