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Share a link via URL scheme to Telegram

I want to share a link via URL scheme for Telegram.

I have created this:

tg://msg?text = www.example.com?t=12 

The link, opens telegram but nothing else happens.

I have used the same code for Viber, and it works:

viber://forward?text = www.example.com?t=12 

And it opens a new message in Viber with this text:


In the other words, it cuts my URL.

Any ideas?

like image 963
farhad1985 Avatar asked Jul 11 '15 10:07


People also ask

How can I share a link in Telegram?

To create an invite link, you first need to go to Group Info > Add Member > Invite to Group via Link. Any person who has installed Telegram on their device will be able to join your group using the link.

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Step-by-Step: How to Deep Link to Telegram Enter your Telegram URL into the box provided in this format: https://t.me/username where 'username' is the name of your channel or profile (make sure to include the 's' in 'https').

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To create an invite link, go to Group Info > Add Member > Invite to Group via Link. Anyone who has Telegram installed will be able to join your group by following this link. If you choose to revoke the link, it will stop working immediately.

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1 Answers

You can also use telegram.me share link which falls back to webogram if a telegram app is not installed on the device.


like image 72
Mohebifar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
