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How to compare two HTML elements

How can we compare two HTML elements whether they are identical or not ?

I tried this thing but no luck

<div class="a"> Hi this is sachin tendulkar </div> <div class="a"> Hi this is sachin tendulkar </div> 

And then on button click, I call a function check()

var divs = $(".a"); alert(divs.length);    // Shows 2 here which is correct if (divs.get(0) == divs.get(1)) alert("Same"); 

But this is not working. Everything is same in two divs. Apart from this How can we compare whether two HTML elements are completely idential or not. Including their innerHTML, className, Id, and their attributes.

Is this doable ?

Actually, I have two HTML documents and I want to remove the identical content from both of them So two elements can have same id.

PS: Updating after Crowder's valuable comments. If we compare two elements as strings, we would not get a match as their order of attributes may vary So the only option is to iterate through each child attribute and match. I still have to figure out completely working implementation strategy.

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Sachin Avatar asked May 21 '12 05:05


People also ask

How do you know if two HTML elements are equal?

The isSameNode() method checks if two nodes are the same node. The isSameNode() method returns true if the two nodes are the same node, otherwise false. Tip: Use the isEqualNode() method to check if two nodes are equal, but not necessarily the same node.

2 Answers

You can use:


In your specific example:

var divs = $(".a"); if ( divs.get(0).isEqualNode(divs.get(1)) ) alert("Same"); 

The DOM Level 3 Core Spec has all the details. Essentially this returns true of the two nodes have matching attributes, descendents, and the descendents' attributes.

There's a similar .isSameNode() that returns true only if both elements are the same node. In your example, these are not the same nodes, but they are equal nodes.

like image 150
Keen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09



See Keen's answer and also ccproj's answer to a closely-related question. There's isEqualNode for this, but it compares class and style attributes as text, so the same set of classes or the same set of style properties in different orders will make it think nodes aren't equivalent. ccprog's answer handles that.

Original Answer

(See below for a complete, largely-untested, and certainly un-refactored off-the-cuff solution. But first, the bits and pieces of it.)

Comparing their innerHTML is easy:

if (divs[0].innerHTML === divs[1].innerHTML) // or if you prefer using jQuery if (divs.html() === $(divs[1]).html()) // The first one will just be the HTML from div 0 

...although you have to ask yourself whether these two elements are equivalent according to your criteria:

<div><span class="foo" data-x="bar">x</span></div> <div><span data-x="bar" class="foo">x</span></div> 

...because their innerHTML will be different (at least on Chrome, and I suspect on most if not all browsers). (More on that below.)

Then you need to compare all of their attributes. As far as I know, jQuery doesn't give you a means of enumerating the attributes, but the DOM does:

function getAttributeNames(node) {   var index, rv, attrs;    rv = [];   attrs = node.attributes;   for (index = 0; index < attrs.length; ++index) {     rv.push(attrs[index].nodeName);   }   rv.sort();   return rv; } 


var names = [getAttributeNames(div[0]), getAttributeNames(div[1])]; if (names[0].length === names[1].length) {     // Same number, loop through and compare names and values     ... } 

Note that by sorting the arrays above, I'm assuming the order of their attributes is not significant in your definition of "equivalent." I hope that's the case, because it doesn't seem to be preserved, as I get different results from different browsers when running this test. That being the case, we have to come back to the innerHTML question, because if the order of attributes on the elements themselves is not significant, then presumably the order of attributes on descendant elements shouldn't be significant. If that's the case, you'll need a recursive function that checks the descendants according to your definition of equivalent, and not use innerHTML at all.

Then there's the concern raised by this subsequent question: What if the elements have different-but-equivalent style attributes? E.g.:

<div id="a" style="color: red; font-size: 28px">TEST A</div> <div id="b" style="font-size: 28px; color: red">TEST B</div> 

My answer there addresses it by looping through the contents of the elements' style objects, like this:

const astyle = div[0].style; const bstyle = div[1].style; const rexDigitsOnly = /^\d+$/; for (const key of Object.keys(astyle)) {     if (!rexDigitsOnly.test(key) && astyle[key] !== bstyle[key]) {         // Not equivalent, stop     } } // Equivalent 

Sadly, as I say in that answer:

Note that the above will fail if (one of them has color: red and the other has color: #ff0000), at least on some browsers, because when a style property uses a string value, usually you get the value the way it was supplied, not normalized. You could use getComputedStyle to get the computed (ish) value instead, but then we get into issues around CSS applicability: Two elements with exactly the same markup can have different values from getComputedStyle because of where they are in the DOM and the CSS applied to them as a result. And getComputedStyle doesn't work on nodes that aren't in a document, so you can't just clone the nodes to factor out that issue.

But you should be able to put something together from the pieces above to compare two elements according to your criteria.

More to explore:

  • DOM2 Core
  • DOM3 Core
  • HTML5 Web Application APIs

The question interested me strangely, so I kicked around at it for a while, and came up with the following. It's mostly untested, could use some refactoring, etc., but it should get you most of the way there. I do, again, assume the order of attributes is not significant. The below assumes even the slightest difference in the text is significant.

function getAttributeNames(node) {   var index, rv, attrs;    rv = [];   attrs = node.attributes;   for (index = 0; index < attrs.length; ++index) {     rv.push(attrs[index].nodeName);   }   rv.sort();   return rv; }  function equivElms(elm1, elm2) {   var attrs1, attrs2, name, node1, node2;    // Compare attributes without order sensitivity   attrs1 = getAttributeNames(elm1);   attrs2 = getAttributeNames(elm2);   if (attrs1.join(",") !== attrs2.join(",")) {     display("Found nodes with different sets of attributes; not equiv");     return false;   }    // ...and values   // unless you want to compare DOM0 event handlers   // (onclick="...")   for (index = 0; index < attrs1.length; ++index) {     name = attrs1[index];     if (elm1.getAttribute(name) !== elm2.getAttribute(name)) {       display("Found nodes with mis-matched values for attribute '" + name + "'; not equiv");       return false;     }   }    // Walk the children   for (node1 = elm1.firstChild, node2 = elm2.firstChild;        node1 && node2;        node1 = node1.nextSibling, node2 = node2.nextSibling) {      if (node1.nodeType !== node2.nodeType) {        display("Found nodes of different types; not equiv");        return false;      }      if (node1.nodeType === 1) { // Element        if (!equivElms(node1, node2)) {          return false;        }      }      else if (node1.nodeValue !== node2.nodeValue) {        display("Found nodes with mis-matched nodeValues; not equiv");        return false;      }   }   if (node1 || node2) {     // One of the elements had more nodes than the other     display("Found more children of one element than the other; not equivalent");     return false;   }    // Seem the same   return true; } 

Live examples:

  • Equivalent divs
  • Attr value difference
  • Attr difference
  • Text difference
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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09

T.J. Crowder