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Setting Vim Options with Variables





I've a question that should be fairly simple, but I have yet to find a solution for. I'm editing my .vimrc and would like to set an option using results saved in a variable. For example, I would like to aggregate all my temporary files in ~/.vimetc. Here's what I would like to do,

let s:vimetc=$HOME.'/vimetc/'
set backupdir=s:vimetc.'backups/'
set directory=s:vimetc.'vimswap/'
set viewdir=s:vimetc.'vimswap/'

Of course, set doesn't resolve variables so I just end up with the literal |s:vimetc.'backups/'|, not at all what I would like. I tried using &s:vimetc with similar results. Does anyone know how to do this?

like image 592
duckworthd Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 21:04


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How do I set environment variables in vim?

Vim can read and write environment variables within your current shell session. Use a $ prefix to identify an environment variable, as in the following examples. Insert the contents of the PATH environment variable into the buffer: Press i to enter insert mode, press Ctrl-r then =$PATH and press Enter.

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l: local to a function. g: global. :help internal-variables. Follow this answer to receive notifications.

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If you want to set an environment variable permanently, you will need to put it in a file called “ . bash_profile ”. Note: There is another similar file called the . bashrc file, which does a similar thing, but I recommend using .

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Pressing the wildchar key ( Tab , by default) or Ctrl + D will display all of them.

1 Answers

let &backupdir=s:vimetc.'backups/'


like image 143
Andy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
