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setting up Scene Builder with NetBeans 8.0.2

I am using: Mac OS X 10.10.1

NetBeans 8.0.2

SceneBuilder 8.0.0 downloaded from gluonhq.com

I dragged SceneBuilder to Applications folder. When I go to Options>Java>JavaFX and set Scene Builder path to the Applications folder, I get the error:

Selected location does not represent a valid JavaFX Scene Builder installation

Kindly guide me.

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Rounak Avatar asked Apr 05 '15 16:04


People also ask

How do I integrate Scene Builder into NetBeans?

Starting Scene Builder from NetBeans IDE From the Main menu, select Tools and choose Options. On the Mac OS platform, select NetBeans and choose Preferences from the Main menu. In the Options window, click Java and then the JavaFX tab. Specify the location of the Scene Builder installation folder and then click OK.

How to add Scene Builder to NetBeans project?

In your project right click .fxml and click Open. you can also download a javafx program an you specify well the path where you wan to install your scene builder; on netbeans ... i have the version 8.0.2 then go to tools-> options->javaFX specify exactly the directory where you installed it (scnene builder) i tried on windows.

How to install Java Scene Builder on Windows 10?

Under your version of Java, look for the Scene Builder which has “Windows Installer” as the platform and click the green “Download” button. This will redirect you to a “Thanks” page and start downloading. Once downloaded, open the installer. In the installer, accept the terms and conditions and click install. Once installed, click finish.

How do I setup scene builder on Ubuntu?

Here are the steps that I went through to setup Scene Builder: You can download Scene Builder 8.2 here Install the package (or run the installer) and find the install location. /opt/SceneBuilder on Ubuntu Then to link it to Netbeans IDE 8.2 go to Tools>Options>Java>JavaFX Select Browse from the Scene Builder Home drop down menu

How to install JavaFX on NetBeans?

you can also download a javafx program an you specify well the path where you wan to install your scene builder; on netbeans ... i have the version 8.0.2 then go to tools-> options->javaFX specify exactly the directory where you installed it (scnene builder) i tried on windows.

3 Answers

Add Scene Builder to Netbeans 8.2

Here are the steps that I went through to setup Scene Builder:

  • You can download Scene Builder 8.2 here

  • Install the package (or run the installer) and find the install location

    • /opt/SceneBuilder on Ubuntu
    • C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Scene Builder on Windows 10
  • Then to link it to Netbeans IDE 8.2 go to Tools>Options>Java>JavaFX

  • Select Browse from the Scene Builder Home drop down menu

  • Finally navigate to the install location for Scene Builder 8.2 and click Open and then Ok

To enjoy your newly found Scene Builder bliss, right click on a .fxml file in the Project Pane, and select Open.

[Note: One would use the Edit option to edit the .fxml code ]

[Update: You can still download Oracle's JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 here, but Gluon is now maintaining Scene Builder ]

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NonlinearFruit Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10


  1. Create project File > New project > JavaFX > JavaFX FXML Application
  2. Download Scene Builder follow this link
  3. To link Scene Builder(no matter v1.1 or v2.0) do next steps: Service > Parameters > Java > JavaFX > Scene Builder start page > Preview and show path to unpacked folder. Confirm.
  4. In your project right click .fxml and click Open.
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Alexey_Kiev Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10


you can also download a javafx program an you specify well the path where you wan to install your scene builder; on netbeans ... i have the version 8.0.2 then go to tools-> options->javaFX specify exactly the directory where you installed it (scnene builder) i tried on windows. Your project w'll automatically build then go to your file fxml right click and open

like image 1
Loico Square de Madrid Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 02:10

Loico Square de Madrid