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Set scene width and height

I have been trying to set the scene's width and height outside of the constructor and it's been to no avail. After looking through the Scene API I saw a method that lets you get the height and width respectively but not one to set the method.. :s (design flaw maybe).

After further research I came across the SceneBuilder and found methods that could modify the height and width. However, I do not know how to apply it to a scene object already created or how to create a SceneBuilder object that could be used in place of the scene object.

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Chika Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 15:01


2 Answers

Once you created Scene and assigned it to the Stage you can use Stage.setWidth and Stage.setHeight to change both stage and scene sizes simultaneously.

SceneBuilder can't be applied to an already created object, it can only be used for the scene creation.

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Sergey Grinev Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11

Sergey Grinev

It seems not possible to set the size of the Scene after it has been created.

Setting the size of the Stage means to set the size of the window, which includes the size of the decoration. So the Scene is smaller in size, unless the Stage is undecorated.

My solution is to compute the size of the decoration while initialization and add it to the size of the Stage when resizing:

private Stage stage;
private double decorationWidth;
private double decorationHeight;

public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
    this.stage = stage;

    final double initialSceneWidth = 720;
    final double initialSceneHeight = 640;
    final Parent root = createRoot();
    final Scene scene = new Scene(root, initialSceneWidth, initialSceneHeight);


    this.decorationWidth = initialSceneWidth - scene.getWidth();
    this.decorationHeight = initialSceneHeight - scene.getHeight();

public void resizeScene(double width, double height) {
    this.stage.setWidth(width + this.decorationWidth);
    this.stage.setHeight(height + this.decorationHeight);
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user2229691 Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11
