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Setting up Facebook SDK for post processing leads to error messages in console

I have no clear effects from this, but am in the final phases of a project and am trying to heed any warnings. I receive 3 warning logs from FB each time I launch in the Xcode console when adding the following line to App Delegate under application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions):

FBSDKCoreKit.ApplicationDelegate.shared.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)

"...FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized."

If I remove this line of course then if I attempt to log in with Facebook post processing does not complete and the login does not occur. So, sanity check: am I to ignore these warnings?

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Mike Pandolfini Avatar asked Jun 06 '19 16:06

Mike Pandolfini

2 Answers

I just came across this warning. In my case it showed up constantly and not only on startup. The reason was that I had configured this in my Info.plist.


I fixed this by executing this after the user has accepted the terms and conditions:


Disclaimer: This doesn't answer the question directly, but I wanted to post it here since many people may end up here googling for this error message. I now have the same issue as stated in the question above and I don't know how to get rid of the warning on startup.

UPDATE for iOS SDK version >= 9.0.0

With version 9.0.0 the FacebookAutoInitEnabled flag was removed, and one needs to initialize the SDK explicitly with the initializeSDK method or implicitly by calling it in applicationDidFinishLaunching.


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themenace Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10


Facebook requires a line for post-processing in AppDidLaunch, which the first time the app launches will run prior to the SDK being initialized: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/graph/. The line is therefore moot when you first launch, but FB is happy to clog your console anyway. If you remove this line FB will be unable to process a login appropriately in an app, so we will have to live with this meaningless "warning."

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Mike Pandolfini Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10

Mike Pandolfini