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Setting permanent environmental variables on Mac OS X

I want to set NTA_CONF_PATH = /Users/macbook/nupic-master/nupic/support as an environmental variable, but using

export NTA_CONF_PATH=/Users/macbook/nupic-master/nupic/support

is only temporary, and every time I quit the Terminal, the environmental variable disappears and I have to type it again. How do I make it permanent?

(I am running Yosemite.)

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Matias Frank Jensen Avatar asked Jan 07 '23 15:01

Matias Frank Jensen

1 Answers

Under the assumption that you use bash (the default shell in Mac OS X Yosemite), simply add the line

export NTA_CONF_PATH=/Users/macbook/nupic-master/nupic/support

to your ~/.bash_profile file. Because this file is automatically sourced when you start bash, you won't have to type that line at the beginning of each session.

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jub0bs Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 21:01
