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Setting java locale settings




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How do I change the default locale in JVM?

By default, the JVM locale is the locale of the platform where the JVM is installed. To override the default JVM locale, you must set the appropriate language and region (country) arguments in the server environment. You can do this by adding these arguments to the environment.sh file (UNIX) or environment.

How do I find my locale in Java?

To get equivalent information in Java, use Locale. getDefault() to get the Locale that Java is using, and use methods on the Locale object such as getCountry() , getLanguage() to get details. The information is available using ISO codes and as human readable/displayable names.

What is the default locale?

The default locale determines the format. The number may be a primitive (such as int or double ) or a wrapper object (such as Integer or Double ). The language is english and the country is Great Britain. Locales specify both language and country.

With the user.language, user.country and user.variant properties.


java -Duser.language=th -Duser.country=TH -Duser.variant=TH SomeClass

I had to control this in a script that ran on a machine with French locale, but a specific Java program had to run with en_US. As already pointed out, the following works:

java -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US ...


LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 java ...

I prefer the latter.

I believe java gleans this from the environment variables in which it was launched, so you'll need to make sure your LANG and LC_* environment variables are set appropriately.

The locale manpage has full info on said environment variables.

You could call during init or whatever Locale.setDefault() or -Duser.language=, -Duser.country=, and -Duser.variant= at the command line. Here's something on Sun's site.