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Setting HTML element width using ng-style and percentage value in AngularJS

I have a JSON response object which contains a percentage value. For example:

{     completionPercent: 42 } 

The UI result I'm aiming for is:

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |█████████████████████                             | └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 

The JSON object is used as the ng-model of an element in AngularJS. Now I want to bind the completionPercent as the width of an element in AngularJS. But CSS width expects a String like '42%', not a Number. So the following does not work:

<div id="progressBackground" ... >     <div id="progressBar"          ng-model="..."          ng-style="{ 'width': completionPercent }"          ... ></div> </div> 

Currently, I have this working by generating the entire style in the controller:


But this is not a good idea, as it becomes very difficult to extend the ng-style. Is there another way to implicitly specify that the width is in percent? Something like this would be ideal:

ng-style="{ 'width-percentage': completionPercent }" 
like image 481
metacubed Avatar asked Jul 25 '14 02:07


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2 Answers

Another way to achieve this is


In your code

<div id="progressBackground" ... > <div id="progressBar"      ng-model="..."      [style.width.%]="completionPercent"      ... ></div> 

like image 36
Evita Dalmeida Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Evita Dalmeida

The code within your ng-style attribute is a javascript object, so you could append a percentage symbol on the end of you width value. As you are appending a string to a number it will also convert the value of width to a string.

<div id="progressBackground" ... >     <div id="progressBar"          ng-model="..."          ng-style="{ 'width': completionPercent + '%' }"          ... ></div> </div> 
like image 119
Andrew Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
