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setting default host address for mongo client



Each time I connect to a remote mongodb server, it is needed to write the host address of the mongo server.

In my situation, I connect only a single remote mongo. So, is there a way to set the default server address that make it possible to connect without passing host parameter each time?

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Muatik Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 08:07


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hostname — the IP address of the MongoDB Server and the port number that the MongoDB service uses. ▪ username — the admin user name that you created to log in to the MongoDB Server. ▪ password — the admin password used to log in to the MongoDB Server.

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To find the public IP address for any node in your cluster, use the nslookup tool from the command line. The IP address is shown in the Address portion of the output.

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2 Answers

If you are on a *nix os you can use alias (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alias_(command)):

alias mongo='mongo --host'

You might want to call you alias something else than mongo though.

like image 130
Robert Kajic Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Robert Kajic

For the php driver, I can change the directive 'mongo.default_host = localhost' to 'mogno.default_host = REMOTEADDRESS'. By this change I no longer need to pass the host address. This is what I was looking for.

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2 revs Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

2 revs