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How to order MongoDB Aggregation with match, sort, and limit

My current aggregation is:

  $match: { user_id: { $in: [1,2,3] } }
}, {
  $group: { _id: "$group_id" }
}, {
  $sort: { last_post_at: -1 }
}, {
  $limit: 5

For a document structure of:

  _id: '...',
  user_id: '...',
  group_id: '...',
  last_post_at: Date,

I've also got an index on {user_id: 1, last_post_at: -1}

Since my index is already on last_post_at is the sort useless? I'm not 100% sure how the ordering of this.

My end goal is to replicate this SQL:

FROM group_members
WHERE user_id in [1,2,3]
ORDER_BY last_post_at DESC

I'm wondering how to make it performant for a very large group_members and still return it in the right order.

UPDATE: I'm hoping to find a solution that will limit the number of documents loaded into memory. This will be a fairly large collection and accessed very frequently.

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Tal Avatar asked Jun 11 '13 20:06


1 Answers

Put the $sort before the $group, otherwise MongoDB can't use the index to help with sorting.

However, in your query it looks like you want to query for a relatively small number of user_ids compared to the total size of your group_members collection. So I recommend an index on user_id only. In that case MongoDB will have to sort your results in memory by last_post_at, but this is worthwhile in exchange for using an index for the initial lookup by user_id.

like image 157
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

A. Jesse Jiryu Davis