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Setting CursorType with ADODB.Command.Execute

Is there any way to set the CursorType for an ADODB.RecordSet which I obtain from ADODB.Command.Execute?

I know that it is possible if I do:

rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

However, I currently use Command.Execute with the Parameters parameter, which automatically handles variant-arrays of ? parameters for safe interpolation. Therefore using RecordSet.Open does not appear to be an option.

Specifically, my code currently looks like:

function ExecuteSQL(conn, sql, args)
    set ExecuteSQL_CmdObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    ExecuteSQL_CmdObj.CommandType = adCmdText
    ExecuteSQL_CmdObj.CommandText = sql
    ExecuteSQL_CmdObj.ActiveConnection = conn
    if Ubound(args) = -1 then
        set ExecuteSQL = ExecuteSQL_CmdObj.Execute
        set ExecuteSQL = ExecuteSQL_CmdObj.Execute(,args)
    end if
end function

If I want to maintain this same API, but also control CursorType, how can this be accomplished?

like image 776
Alex Gaynor Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 14:10

Alex Gaynor

1 Answers

The answer, as far as I've been able to determine is that this is impossible with ADODB.Command.Execute, but it's possible with ADODB.RecordSet.Open using ADODB.Command.Parameters:

function CreateSQLParameter(arg)
    set param = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter")

    select TypeName(arg)
        case "String"
            param.Type = adVarChar
            param.Size = Len(CStr(arg))
            param.Value = CStr(arg)
        case "Integer"
            param.Type = adInteger
            param.Value = CLng(arg)
        case "Double"
            param.Type = adDouble
            param.Value = CDbl(arg)
        case else
            ' 13 is the "Type Mismatch" error code
            Err.Raise(13,,, "Type '" & TypeName(arg) "' is not handled. Please add support for it to CreateSQLParameter")
    end select

    set CreateSQLParameter = param
end function

function CreateSQLCommand(sql, args)
    set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    'From http://www.w3schools.com/asp/prop_comm_commandtype.asp.
    'adCmdText is for some reason undefined in our scope.
    cmd.CommandType = 1
    cmd.CommandText = sql

    for i = Lbound(args) to Ubound(args)
        set param = CreateSQLParameter(args(i))

    set CreateSQLCommand = cmd
end function

function ExecuteSQL(conn, sql, args)
    set cmd = CreateSQLCommand(sql, args)
    set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    rs.Open(cmd, conn)

    set ExecuteSQL = rs
end function
like image 65
Alex Gaynor Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11

Alex Gaynor