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Setting an Enum value based on incoming String

I have a number of setter methods which take an enum. These are based on incoming objects attribute. Rather than write a bunch of these is there a way around having to hard code say 10 different case statements. Would there be a way to create a reusable method?

//Side class declared as
public final enum Side

//How I initialise side
static Side side = Side.SELL;//default

//method to set object

//How I am implementing it
    public static Side sideEnum(String buysell)

            side = Side.SELL; //default 
        else if(buysell.equalsIgnoreCase("B"))
            side = Side.BUY; 

        return side;

like image 771
Will Avatar asked May 31 '11 14:05


People also ask

How do I assign a string value to an enum?

Use a Switch statement. The simplest way to convert enum values into string representation is by using a switch statement.

How do you map a string to an enum?

You can create Enum from String by using Enum. valueOf() method. valueOf() is a static method that is added on every Enum class during compile-time and it's implicitly available to all Enum along with values(), name(), and cardinal() methods.

Can we assign value to enum?

You can assign different values to enum member. A change in the default value of an enum member will automatically assign incremental values to the other members sequentially.

Can enum values be strings?

Given those limitations, the enum value alone is not suitable for human-readable strings or non-string values. In this tutorial, we'll use the enum features as a Java class to attach the values we want.

3 Answers

You can implement that functionality in your Enum.

public enum Side {

    BUY("B"), SELL("S"), ...

    private String letter;
    private Side(String letter) {
        this.letter = letter;

    public static Side fromLetter(String letter) {
        for (side s : values() ){
            if (s.letter.equals(letter)) return s;
        return null;


You could also do this as a helper static method if you can't edit Side.

public static Side fromString(String from) {
    for (Side s: Side.values()) {
        if (s.toString().startsWith(from)) {
            return s;

    throw new IllegalArgumentException( from );

The above method assumes your strings correspond to the names of you enums.

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jjnguy Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10


Enums have valueOf() method that can be used to convert from String. Is it what you are looking for?

like image 23
Alex Gitelman Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Alex Gitelman

I ended up using a simple object map:

private static HashMap<String, Side> sideMap = new HashMap<String, Side>(7);
    sideMap.put("B", Side.BUY);
    sideMap.put("S", Side.SELL);

and simply using

like image 21
Will Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
