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setTimeout with Bootstrap Modal not displaying after time out

I'm trying to delay showing a Bootstrap modal until 5 seconds have passed. Here is the section of my code. It seems write from what I have read on MDN. The modal does not appear after any amount of time. Any help would be appreciated.

var timeout;
  function modalAlert(message){
        $("#myModalLabel").text("Hey Look!")
        $('.modal-body').html("<img src='"+message+"'>");
        timeout = window.setTimeout(showModal,5000);

  function showModal(){

Vijay Ramamurthy helped me find the solution:

var timeout;
  function modalAlert(message){
        $("#myModalLabel").text("Hey Look!")
        $('.modal-body').html("<img src='"+message+"'>");

  function showModal(){
like image 208
Nick Avatar asked Jan 13 '23 09:01


1 Answers

Use the "shown" event handler to register a timeout on the modal and then hide it. You can chain the functions together since it's a jQuery plugin.

$("#myModal").modal("show").on("shown", function () {
    window.setTimeout(function () {
    }, 5000);
like image 89
Andy Brudtkuhl Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 12:01

Andy Brudtkuhl