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SetProcessWorkingSetSize - What's the catch?

I found an article on About.com that tells you how you can manage your apps memory.

Here is the code:

procedure TrimAppMemorySize;
  MainHandle : THandle;
    MainHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, GetCurrentProcessID) ;
    SetProcessWorkingSetSize(MainHandle, $FFFFFFFF, $FFFFFFFF) ;
    CloseHandle(MainHandle) ;
    Log('Trimmed Memory Successfull!');
    Log('Failed to trim Memory!');

I tried it out, works perfectly - Even when my app is doing something, and I fire buttonclicks, etc, it still does its thing, and it works like a charm. I look at my apps Memory usage in the Resource Monitor, and as far as I can see, its all good.

So.. Whats the catch? We all deal with memory issues, but is the solution really that simple? Can anyone tell me if doing this every 60 seconds is a bad thing?

I will reboot and try to run my program, and post a screenshot of my Resource Monitor.

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Jeff Avatar asked May 19 '11 13:05


3 Answers

Yes, it's a bad thing. You're telling the OS that you know more about memory management than it does, which probably isn't true. You're telling to to page all your inactive memory to disk. It obeys. The moment you touch any of that memory again, the OS has to page it back into RAM. You're forcing disk I/O that you don't actually know you need.

If the OS needs more free RAM, it can figure out which memory hasn't been used lately and page it out. That might be from your program, or it might be from some other program. But if the OS doesn't need more free RAM, then you've just forced a bunch of disk I/O that nobody asked for.

If you have memory that you know you don't need anymore, free it. Don't just page it to disk. If you have memory that the OS thinks you don't need, it will page it for you automatically as the need arises.

Also, it's usually unwise to call Application.ProcessMessages unless you know there are messages that your main thread needs to process that it wouldn't otherwise process by itself. The application automatically processes messages when there's nothing else to do, so if you have nothing to do, just let the application run itself.

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Rob Kennedy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

Rob Kennedy

The "catch" as it were is that you have just told the operating system to remove pages from your working set that are actually in RAM. Assuming the OS is removing pages that don't have data you will ever access again, there's no problem. But if it's paging out data that your process will need in the future, you've just told Windows "More page faults, please."

The main issue with this code is that you're essentially sacrificing your own process's performance for the sake of the rest of the system (though thrashing actually harms the whole system.) That's somewhat noble, but clearly not "catch" free.

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dlev Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


This is the moral equivalent of pretending to the operating system that your machine is an permanent state of RAM crisis. The system knows how to manage its memory far better than you do, just let it get on with its job.

It is, sadly, a very common mistake for people to worry when their system is using all of its RAM and all of its CPU. In reality you should be concerned if your system fails to make full use of its resources!

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10

David Heffernan