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Set Value of Nested Object Property by Name in PowerShell

I want to set value of nested object property using PowerShell. When you are trying to set the value of the first level properties, it's quiet simple:

$propertyName = "someProperty"
$obj.$propertyName = "someValue"  # ← It works

For nested properties, it doesn't work:

$propertyName = "someProperty.someNestedProperty"
$obj.$propertyName = "someValue"  # ← It doesn't work and raises an error.

How to set value of nested object property by name of property using PowerShell?


For those who want to reproduce the problem, here is a simple example:

$Obj= ConvertFrom-Json '{ "A": "x", "B": {"C": "y"} }'
# Or simply create the object:
# $Obj= @{ A = "x"; B = @{C = "y"} }
$Key = "B.C"
$Value = "Some Value"
$Obj.$Key = $Value

Run the command and you will receive an error:

"The property 'B.C' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set."

Note: The code supports any level of nesting.

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Reza Aghaei Avatar asked Sep 27 '17 15:09

Reza Aghaei

2 Answers

I created SetValue and GetValue functions to let you get and set a nested property of an object (including a json object) dynamically by name and they work perfectly!

They are recursive functions which resolve the complex property and get the nested property step by step by splitting the nested property name.

GetValue and SetValue of Nested properties by Name

# Functions
function GetValue($object, $key)
    $p1,$p2 = $key.Split(".")
    if($p2) { return GetValue -object $object.$p1 -key $p2 }
    else { return $object.$p1 }
function SetValue($object, $key, $Value)
    $p1,$p2 = $key.Split(".")
    if($p2) { SetValue -object $object.$p1 -key $p2 -Value $Value }
    else { $object.$p1 = $Value }


In the following example, I set B.C dynamically using SetValue and get its value by name using the GetValue function:

# Example
$Obj = ConvertFrom-Json '{ "A": "x", "B": {"C": "y"} }'
# Or simply create the object:
# $Obj = @{ A = "x"; B = @{C = "y"} }
$Key = "B.C"
$Value = "Changed Dynamically!"
SetValue -object $Obj -key $Key -Value $Value
GetValue -object $Obj -key $Key
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Reza Aghaei Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 19:10

Reza Aghaei

May I propose an upgrade to Reza's solution. With this solution, you can have many level of nested properties.

function GetValue($object, [string[]]$keys)
    $propertyName = $keys[0]
        return $object.$propertyName
    else { 
        return GetValue -object $object.$propertyName -key ($keys | Select-Object -Skip 1)

function SetValue($object, [string[]]$keys, $value)
    $propertyName = $keys[0]
    if($keys.count.Equals(1)) {
        $object.$propertyName = $value
    else { 
        SetValue -object $object.$propertyName -key ($keys | Select-Object -Skip 1) -value $value


$Obj = ConvertFrom-Json '{ "A": "x", "B": {"C": {"D" : "y"}} }'
SetValue $Obj -key "B.C.D".Split(".") -value "z"
GetValue $Obj -key "B.C.D".Split(".")
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IV V Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 18:10