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Set the particular row and column zeros except the diagonal elements in matlab



Lets say I am given some indices like B = [10 23 32....];

Now lets say I have a matrix A. What I want to do is for each index from B lets say i, I want to set the ith row and ith column of A to 0 except the diagonal element A(i,i)(it remains untouched).

I can do this by looping. But I want some that is based upon some matrix multiplication which is quicker than just looping.

Any ideas guys?

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user12331 Avatar asked Sep 25 '14 23:09


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1 Answers

You can store the diagonal elements temporarily somewhere else, index into A with B to set the corresponding rows and columns to zeros and finally plug back in the diagonal elements -

%// rows in A
rows = size(A,1);

%// Store the diagonal elements temporarily somewhere else
tmp_diagA = A(1:rows+1:end);

%// Set the ith rows and cols (obtained from B) to zero

%// Plug back in the diagonal elements in place
A(1:rows+1:end) = tmp_diagA;

Function calls are supposed to be expensive in MATLAB and we have almost have no function calls in this code, so I am hoping it to be fast enough.

like image 176
Divakar Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
