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If there are 2 matrices a and b, what does a(b) do in matlab?

If I have a matrix, say

a = [1 2 3;
     4 5 6]


b = [2 2 2;
     3 3 3]

when I do a(b) in matlab, I get the answer as

a(b) = [4 4 4;
        2 2 2]

what exactly is happening here ?

like image 484
user2827872 Avatar asked Sep 29 '13 07:09


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1 Answers

You're indexing a with each item in b. a(2) = 4 and a(3) = 2


c = [a(2) a(2) a(2); a(3) a(3) a(3)] 

is what you're seeing.

like image 164
user2759991 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10
