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Set stackpanel opacity without affecting on child control



i am new in WPF i have stack panel and in this stack panel we added Text Block at code behind and also set stack panel background and Text Block foreground color at code behind. i have also set opacity dynamicaly when i set opacity of stackpanel than it affect on it's child control (i.e Textblock)

Please give me proper solution for this.

Thank you.

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jadav suresh Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 11:08

jadav suresh

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2 Answers

If you want to do it in Xaml, you can create a SolidColorBrush at your Window.Resources to be the background color of your panel:

    <SolidColorBrush x:Key="TransparentBlue" Color="#00b0f0" Opacity="0.5" />

And then only set the Background of your ...Panel:

<StackPanel Background="{StaticResource TransparentBlue}">
    <Label Content="Hello there" FontWeight="Bold" FontSize="20" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"></Label>
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Sonhja Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10


Please read the Remarks of UIElement.Opacity Property

Opacity is applied from parent elements on down the element tree to child elements, but the visible effects of the nested opacity settings aren't indicated in the property value of individual child elements. For instance, if a list has a 50% (0.5) opacity and one of its list items has its own opacity set to 20% (0.2), the net visible opacity for that list item will be rendered as if it were 10% (0.1), but the property value of the list item Opacity property would still be 0.2 when queried.

A child control can't have more opacity then parent. I think you will have to use two separate layers, one with full opacity and one with less. Something like this

    <StackPanel Opacity=".5" Background="whatever">
        <TextBlock Text="Text shown with full Opacity" />
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LPL Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 21:10