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Set height 100% on absolute div





I am facing a problem with overlaying a 100% height div. I could use position fixed to solve the cover, but that's not really what I want because you should be able to scroll down on the 'cover' > so people with lower resolutions than mine can see the entire content.

Code example:


<body> <div>Overlay example text</div> </body> 


body {     float: left;     height: 3000px;     width: 100%; } body div {     position: absolute;     height: 100%;     width: 100%;     background-color: yellow; } 

The problem: The div's height 100% only contains 100% of the webbrowser/viewport, but I want it to cover the entire body.

Thanks in advance :)

like image 327
Nworks Avatar asked Jan 08 '13 14:01


People also ask

How do you make an absolute div full height?

For this html and body should have 100% height. This height is equal to the viewport height. Make inner div position absolute and give top and bottom 0. This fills the div to available height.

How do you give a div 100 height?

If you want to set the height of a <div> or any element, you should set the height of <body> and <html> to 100% too.

How do I make my html height 100%?

With no height value provided for the HTML element, setting the height and/or min-height of the body element to 100% results in no height (before you add content).

What is the absolute div?

An element with position: absolute; is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor (instead of positioned relative to the viewport, like fixed). However; if an absolute positioned element has no positioned ancestors, it uses the document body, and moves along with page scrolling.

1 Answers

try adding


to your body styles. Whenever positioning anything absolutely, you need one of the parent or ancestor containers to be positioned relative (or anything other than the default position of static) as this will make the item be positioned absolute to the ancestor container that is positioned.

As you had no positioned elements, the css will not know what the div is absolutely positioned to and therefore will not know what to take 100% height of

like image 145
Pete Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
