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Set default Timeout on Github action pipeline

Normally, my pipelines take 15 minutes to execute.

Recently, for some strange reasons, some pipelines take between 45 minutes and 6 hours to fail.

Is it possible to set a default timeout limit on GitHub Action's pipeline (for example, auto cancel after 30 minutes)?

like image 667
Kevin ABRIOUX Avatar asked Nov 27 '19 15:11


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How do I set timeouts in the pipeline?

There are two timeout can be set: project timeout and runner timeout. It is possible to set timeout per job from Settings -> CI/CD -> General pipelines runner's timeout can be set from Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners, select the runner from Runners activated for this project and edit the Maximum job timeout from the runner edit form.

How long should a GitHub action pipeline take to execute?

Normally, my pipelines take 15 minutes to execute. Recently, for some strange reasons, some pipelines take between 45 minutes and 6 hours to fail. Is it possible to set a default timeout limit on GitHub Action's pipeline (for example, auto cancel after 30 minutes)?

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You can set a global timeout in "Project settings -> CI/CD Pipelines -> Timeout" or "Project settings -> Builds -> Timeout" in older versions. As of version 12.3, you can set a timeout per stage in your CI .yml file using timeout: timeout allows you to configure a timeout for a specific job. For example:

1 Answers

You can change default time limit in two ways

  • job.<id>.timeout-minutes sets a timeout for a whole job
  • job.<id>.steps.timeout-minutes sets a timeout for a single step

Your scenario:

 runs-on:         ubuntu-latest
 timeout-minutes: 30
like image 54
Samira Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10
