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Set cell background color and text size using Google Java API

I want to set Spreadsheet cell background color and text size. I use this Java code to set the text into the cell but I can't find a solution how to set the style.

CellData setUserEnteredValue = new CellData()
            .setUserEnteredValue(new ExtendedValue()
                .setStringValue("cell text"));

Is there any solution?

like image 511
Peter Penzov Avatar asked Dec 30 '16 08:12

Peter Penzov

People also ask

Can you do an if statement in Google sheets based on color?

Google Sheets conditional formatting allows you to change the aspect of a cell—that is, a cell's background color or the style of the cell's text—based on rules you set. Every rule you set is an if/then statement. For example, you might say "If cell B2 is empty, then change that cell's background color to black."

2 Answers

I had to go through allot of useless answers, but this worked for me. Here you go:

requests.add(new Request()
                .setRepeatCell(new RepeatCellRequest()
                        .setCell(new CellData()
                                .setUserEnteredValue( new ExtendedValue().setStringValue("cell text"))
                                .setUserEnteredFormat(new CellFormat()
                                        .setBackgroundColor(new Color()
                                        .setTextFormat(new TextFormat()
                        .setRange(new GridRange()
like image 182
Julian Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10


// For handling single cells this is how you do it, where j and k are row and columns in g sheet .

CellData setUserEnteredValue =new CellData()
                .setUserEnteredValue(new ExtendedValue()
    List<CellData> values1.add(setUserEnteredValue);
        requests.add(new Request()
                .setUpdateCells(new UpdateCellsRequest()
                        .setStart(new GridCoordinate()
                                new RowData().setValues(values1)))

        CellFormat myFormat = new CellFormat();
        myFormat.setBackgroundColor(new Color().setRed(Float.valueOf("1"))); // red background
like image 24
Tank Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
