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Set a single reminder on all week days



Thanks to Slack Help center, I'm able to set a reminder on specific days but not on all week days.

My question is: How to set a single reminder on all week day ?

Something like this:

/remind @channel "It's time for daily stand up !" Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday at 11:45am

I found a workaround but it's not really satisfying: set one reminder each day.

like image 778
Toodoo Avatar asked Apr 18 '17 11:04


People also ask

How do I set a reminder in slack for every weekday?

The basics of /remindYou can set recurring reminders by including phrases like every day, every Monday, every weekday, or even every two weeks. Once a reminder is set, you'll get a Slackbot message saying so. And if you ever need to manage or check your reminders, simply type /remind list to see the full list.

How do I set a recurring reminder in slack?

Hover over a message. Click the three dots icon in the top-right corner of the message. Hover over Remind me about this. Choose a timeframe from the list or select Custom to set your own.

How do I delete a Slackbot reminder?

When you want to delete a reminder for the Slackbot, click on it, and type the /remind list command, and select “View completed reminders.” When you get the list, scroll to the top and choose “Delete all completed reminders.” There is also a delete option next to each reminder, so you can select which ones to remove.

1 Answers

I found the params I missed : every weekday

Answer :

/remind @channel "It's time for daily stand up !" every weekday at 11:45am 

Edit : Slack Help Center has been updated and now contains tons of reminders examples with parameters !

like image 193
Toodoo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
