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Serilog Elasticsearch logs not making it to the server (but buffering correctly)

I have an ELK stack locally hosted (v7.0) on a Windows IIS web server and the logs are not making it to the server. Server is running, I can reach the reserved URL and get back the generic json package saying Elasticsearch is running and I can log into Kibana just fine, there's just no logs to see.

I have a bufferBaseFilename set in the apps that are logging, and when I go to that location the logs are actually there, properly indexed and all. I'm wondering why it never gets synced back to the server? It seems like a connection issue, but all the network stuff checks out. I'm probably missing something simple. Any thoughts? Let me know if you need more information!

like image 992
Hershizer33 Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 07:10


2 Answers

A frequent source for this error is a malformed (template) request that does not match your ES version (e.g. contains deprecated fields). You could try to

  • use a preview version of the nuget package
  • set DetectElasticsearchVersion to true
  • set RegisterTemplateFailure to IndexAnyway

You can configure the sink like so:

var loggerConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.Elasticsearch(new ElasticsearchSinkOptions(new Uri(...) ){
        // ...
        DetectElasticsearchVersion = true,
        RegisterTemplateFailure = RegisterTemplateFailure.IndexAnyway
like image 133
CaringDev Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 18:11


I had this issue and for me, it was the w3wp.exe process that blocked a couple earlier buffer logs from pushing to elastic search, and everything that came after was also on queue.

I resolved it by killing the process.

like image 31
Chidi Jude Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 17:11

Chidi Jude