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Serializing an object to JSON, XML, YAML?

I asked a previous question about serialization and validation. Someone mentioned using the JSON gem which allows me to tell my object how to serialize with the to_json method, however Ruby seems to do LOTS of complicated things really easily, however on the flip side some really simple things seem to be quite complicated, Serialization being one of those things.

I want to find out if there is a way to have a clean object:

class CleanClass
    attr_accessor :variable1
    attr_accessor :variable2
    attr_accessor :variable3

cleanObject = CleanClass.new

Ideally, I don't want to dirty the model, I just want to pass it to something and tell it what the output type should be and let it work its magic.

An example would be something like:

jsonOutput = MagicSerializer::Json.Serialize(cleanObject)
xmlOutput = MagicSerializer::Xml.Serialize(cleanObject)
yamlOutput = MagicSerializer::Yaml.Serialize(cleanObject)

revertedJsonObject = MagicSerializer::Json.Unserialize(jsonOutput)
revertedXmlObject = MagicSerializer::Xml.Unserialize(xmlOutput)
revertedYamlObject = MagicSerializer::Yaml.Unserialize(yamlOutput)

I want to pass something an object, and get the strings outputted, then be able to convert it back.

I know ActiveModel has serialization functionality but I need to dirty my class to do this, and I don't want to change the model if possible. ActiveSupport seems to satisfy the JSON criteria as I can just call that and it will take an object and spit out the JSON, but I would like to support other types.

Any further information would be great!

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Grofit Avatar asked Oct 27 '11 12:10


People also ask

What is data serialization in YAML?

YAML's data serialization format includes an understated and unique advantage, its Anchors. YAML anchors and aliases let you reference and use the same data multiple times within a single YAML document. YAML's Anchors are a time-saving advantage for a developer writing lengthy pipelines.

Is YAML serialized?

YAML is a digestible data serialization language often used to create configuration files with any programming language. Designed for human interaction, YAML is a strict superset of JSON, another data serialization language.


YAML stands for “YAML Aint Markup Language“. JSON stands for “JavaScript Object Notation“. XML is “eXtensible Markup Language” whereas YML is not a markup language. XML uses a tag to define the structure just like HTML. YAML uses indentation to define structured data.

What are two popular methods of data serialization?

XML , JSON , BSON, YAML , MessagePack, and protobuf are some commonly used data serialization formats.

3 Answers

Ruby has built-in automagical serialization/deserialization to binary and yaml.


require 'yaml'
serialized = CleanClass.new.to_yaml
object = YAML.load(serialized)


serialized = Marshal.dump(CleanClass.new)
object = Marshal.load(serialized)
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Ewout Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10


Have your magic serialization method dirty the object for you; the emdirtering can happen on a per-object basis.

Or dirty at your class level.

Either way, your mainline code doesn't see it.

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Dave Newton Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Dave Newton

For JSON and YAML it seems pretty easy, since they would only be wrappers for the to_yaml and to_json methods (or YAML.load and from_json respectively)

For JSON you would have to wrap own classes around core-Types (or other types which implement to_json) e.g. first implement a to_hash method which then can be transformed into json.

XML is much more complicated because of the hierarchy-aspect, you'd have to standardize it, but actually i don't understand from your explanation what is wrong with the basic to_... methods. This is actually the convention we use in Ruby. If you're concerned with pollution of models, you could put these methods in a module, and include the module in the class.

module Foo
  def to_serialized_type
class CleanClass
  include Foo
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robustus Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 06:10
