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separators of thousands in angular 2

i have tried this one in my proyect:

<div padding *ngIf="TotalAPagar">
    $ {{TotalAPagar | number }}  

my variable is called TotalAPagar, and I'm using number pipe, but it shows the value like this 1,000,500.

I need that to change the numbering convention to dots. Eg. 1.000.000

I have been reading about in the docs in angular but doesn't have any example.

like image 508
Daniel Avatar asked Mar 30 '17 20:03


2 Answers

I think that there are two ways to resolve this problem:

1. You can trying overwrite DecimalPipe from @angular/common library:

In this way:


import { Pipe } from '@angular/core';
import {DecimalPipe} from "@angular/common";

    name: 'pointReplacer'
export class PointReplacerPipe extends DecimalPipe {

  transform(value: any, digits?: string): string {
        return super.transform(value, digits).replace(',', '.');


and in your html code:

<div padding *ngIf="TotalAPagar">
    $ {{TotalAPagar | pointReplacer }}  

2. You can write your own pipe, which replaces characters and use **double pipe in your html code**

Try in this way:


import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

    name: 'pointReplacer'

export class PointReplacerPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: string, args: any[]): string {
        if(value) {
          return value.replace(',', '.');
        return '';

and in your html code:

<div padding *ngIf="TotalAPagar">
    $ {{TotalAPagar | number | pointReplacer }}  

No matter which method you choose, don't forget to declare your own pipe in module, where you use it:

  declarations: [PointReplacerPipe],
  providers: [PointReplacerPipe]
like image 80
Jaroslaw K. Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Jaroslaw K.

​After reading in forums and docs about angular js y javascript i found a method that puts the numbers in format and currency, that method is toLocaleString(), is a method from javascript that helps to put it in the currency or languaje that you need.

i search the name of the country that i need with the method and show me the info that need about. (http://www.localeplanet.com/icu/es-CO/), In my case was colombia.

in my functions i just have to add the .toLocaleString('es-CO') to the result and put the value with the specified currency.

for example:

this.TotalAPagar = (this.calcularDescuentosLiquidacion(this.TotalDevengadoValor, this.sueldoPendientePorCancelarValor, this.item.libranza, this.item.prestamo_empleado)+ this.calcularIndemnizacion(this.item.promedio_salario, this.item.fecha_fin_contrato, this.item.fecha_inicio_contrato)).toLocaleString('es-CO');

like image 21
Daniel Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
