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SEO title vs alt vs text [closed]






Does the title attribute in a link do the job of the real text in the link for SEO? i.e

<a href="..." title="Web Design">Web Design</a> 

is it the same as:

<a href="..." title="Web Design">click here</a> 

when trying to get a good page rank for keywords like "web design"? is it like alt attribute in an image tag? or is it useless in SEO?

is it the same as:

<a href="..." alt="Web Design">click here</a> 

what's the difference between all the above?

Thank you in advance!

like image 737
medk Avatar asked Oct 09 '10 00:10


People also ask

Is image title tag important for SEO?

It's important to note that using alt text correctly can enhance your SEO strategy. On the other hand, the image title tag is simply used to provide an image with a title, but it's less important for SEO than the alt tag. Now is your chance to radically redefine and revolutionize your marketing playbook.

What is the difference between alt and title?

“alt” is for providing an image alt tag to describe the image to the search engine crawlers and the screen readers for better web accessibility. “title” is for providing an explanation of the image alt tag and image URL within the “src” attribute.

Can alt and title tags be the same?

Almost always. Alt tags are supposed to convey the same information as the image. (essentially, alt data is just inline document text) Titles describe the image.

Does alt text help SEO?

How Does Alt Text Impact SEO? We've already highlighted that setting alt text for images is very important for SEO and is a key contributing search engine ranking factor. Alt tags provide context to what an image is displaying, informing search engine crawlers and allowing them to index an image correctly.

2 Answers

Alt is not a valid attribute for <a> elements.

  • Use alt to describe images
  • Use title to describe where the link is going.
  • The textvalue (click here) is the most important part The title attribute gets more and more ignored. Google looks far more on the link text than the title attribute. For google the title tag is like a meta tag which is not important compared to content.
  • Image alt tags are however still very important (especially for image search)
  • The main feature of those tags is to provide usability for your users, not to feed informatino to search engines.
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The Surrican Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 09:09

The Surrican

title attribute hasn't the same value as link text on SEO.


<a href="..." title="Web Design">Web Design</a> 


<a href="..." title="Web Design">click here</a> 

stick with the first option. But it is duplicate data, and has no real aggregate value on the case.

The main title purpose, it to give a tooltip about the link's page title. Putting the linked page title is the correct application (think on user first).

The alt attribute is for allow non-textual content to be represented. Consider the examples on WHATWG: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/embedded-content-1.html#alt


<a href="http://yoursite.com/posts.php?page=1" rel="prev">1</a> <span>2</span> <a href="http://yoursite.com/posts.php?page=3" rel="next">3</a> ... <a href="http://yoursite.com/posts.php?page=27" rel="last">27</a> 
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Davis Peixoto Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 09:09

Davis Peixoto