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creating a table in ionic

I am in need of creating a table in Ionic. I thought of using Ionic grid but could not achieve what I wanted. How can I do this? Here is an image of something similar to what i want:

enter image description here

I can use this but how can I divide the rows like in the picture?

<div class="list">    <div class="item item-divider">     Candy Bars   </div>    <a class="item" href="#">     Butterfinger   </a>    ...  </div> 
like image 348
CraZyDroiD Avatar asked Oct 06 '14 11:10


People also ask

How do you use an Ionic grid?

Working with the Ionic Grid System is straightforward. There are two main classes – row for working with rows and col for columns. You can choose as many columns or rows you want. All of them will adjust its size to accommodate the available space, although you can change this behavior to suit your needs.

1 Answers

The flexbox grid should do what you want. You're not clear as to what limitation you ran into, so it's hard to address your specifics.

Here's a codepen with a working sample that generates your table with the first couple rows and a header: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pjzKMZ


<html ng-app="ionicApp">  <head>     <meta charset="utf-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">      <title>Ionic Template</title>      <link href="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">     <script src="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>  </head>    <body ng-controller="MyCtrl as ctrl">     <ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">         <h1 class="title">Service Provider Details</h1>     </ion-header-bar>     <ion-content>         <div class="row header">           <div class="col">Utility Company Name</div>           <div class="col">Service Code</div>           <div class="col">Pay Limit</div>           <div class="col">Account Number to Use</div>           <div class="col"></div>         </div>         <div class="row" ng-repeat="data in ctrl.data">           <div class="col">{{data.name}}</div>           <div class="col">{{data.code}}</div>           <div class="col">LK {{data.limit}}</div>           <div class="col">{{data.account}}</div>           <div class="col"><button class="button" ng-click="ctrl.add($index)">Add</button></div>         </div>     </ion-content>   </body>  </html> 


body {     cursor: url('http://ionicframework.com/img/finger.png'), auto; }  .header .col {     background-color:lightgrey; }  .col {     border: solid 1px grey;     border-bottom-style: none;     border-right-style: none; }  .col:last-child {     border-right: solid 1px grey; }  .row:last-child .col {     border-bottom: solid 1px grey; } 


angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])  .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {      var ctrl = this;      ctrl.add = add;     ctrl.data = [         {             name: "AiA",             code: "AI101",             limit: 25000,             account: "Life Insurance"         },         {             name: "Cargills",             code: "CF001",             limit: 30000,             account: "Food City"         }     ]      ////////     function add(index) {         window.alert("Added: " + index);     } }); 
like image 92
jpoveda Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
