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Sending web push notifications from Laravel

I have a website running Laravel in the back-end, where users can create reports for other users.

When the report is created I would like to send a push notification to recipient user's desktop.

Do I need to use services like Pusher, OneSignal?

Any useful site with examples would be appreciated.

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Faustas Butkus Avatar asked Mar 07 '23 21:03

Faustas Butkus

1 Answers

Your question

You could use Pusher, Redis/Socket.io, Pubnub, etc. Which one to use? well, this is more an opinion-based question.

These services broadcast events, then in your client apps (like your web front-end) you configure the client-side libraries of the service you choose to subscribe (to channels) and listen to those events.

The documentation explains it better.



This is a tutorial published by the Pusher team.


This one is a Laracasts series about this.

Just google.


There is a Laravel-specific alternative, a package created exclusively for Laravel:

Laravel WebSockets

  • This is the post talking about the package and its inner working.
  • This is the repo.
  • Here you have the documentation.
like image 161
Kenny Horna Avatar answered Mar 21 '23 05:03

Kenny Horna