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laravel 5.5 caching error "Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed"

I was trying to store a complete page view to cache, but error of "Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed" happened. in controller my code was something like this :

$view = Cache::remember('articles_index', 5, function () {
    return view('template.blade.php'); // this is some rendered html string

I didn't know the reason, so tried to Google it to find out, but google results was not exactly what I wanted... After a while I find a temporary solution.

$view = Cache::remember('articles_index', 5, function () {
    return htmlspecialchars(view('template.blade.php'));

this way of caching works, but it may broke some parts of html. still trying to find the perfect solution...

this question may update several times...

like image 767
Amin Adel Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 16:03

Amin Adel

1 Answers

Your first example is trying to cache a View object, not HTML (a string). Views need to be rendered, turned into string output.

(string) view(...) or view(...)->render() would give you a string.

When you are returning views from routes Laravel knows to render them for you.

like image 133
lagbox Avatar answered May 09 '23 07:05
