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Sending HTTP POST Multipart/form-data field using RestSharp

I'm having issues using RestSharp for a REST API I need to use for a project I'm working on. The request I need to issue is in three parts: A header API key, a file to upload, and a bunch of data in JSON format. The API requires that the data part be sent using a form field name of "data". For some reason this is causing issues since it's naming the field "data" within the body of the request.

The code I have as is as follows:

var request = new RestRequest(UPLOAD_DOC_URLSEGMENT, Method.POST)
    RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json,
    AlwaysMultipartFormData = true,
    JsonSerializer = new RestSharpJsonDotNetSerializer(customSerializer)

if (doc is DocA)
    request.AddParameter("data",doc as DocA,ParameterType.RequestBody);
    //request.AddBody(doc as DocA);
    request.AddParameter("data", doc as DocB,ParameterType.RequestBody);
    //request.AddBody(doc as DocB);

request.AddFile("file", doc.File.FullName);

As you can see I've attempted to use both the request.AddBody(doc) method and the request.AddParameter(name, object, type) method. Neither of them appear to be sending the data properly because I receive a response from the server saying required parameters are missing. Using fiddler I can see the binary data, but never the JSON data with both of these methods. I've gone through the RestSharp documentation, but I can't find anything that allows me to specify a particular "field" name as "data" for the form data body, which is what I believe is causing the issue I'm having. What am I doing wrong here?

EDIT: Upon further inspection with fiddler it appears that it's not adding my JSON data at all to the body of the HTTP request. However, with a break point right before the upload (execute command) I can see everything serialized properly within the parameter list (and file list). When inspecting the with Fiddler I see the file binary data, and then a multipart/form-data boundary, and then nothing. I would assume this is where my data is supposed to be...

like image 259
JNYRanger Avatar asked Apr 02 '14 00:04


People also ask

Does RestSharp use HttpClient?

Essentially, RestSharp is a wrapper around HttpClient that allows you to do the following: Add default parameters of any kind (not just headers) to the client, once. Add parameters of any kind to each request (query, URL segment, form, attachment, serialized body, header) in a straightforward way.

What is C# RestSharp?

RestSharp is a C# library used to build and send API requests, and interpret the responses. It is used as part of the C#Bot API testing framework to build the requests, send them to the server, and interpret the responses so assertions can be made.

2 Answers

So I am doing this by working around a problem with using the AddBody method which automatically kills the multi part form images and will not send them. You must use add parameter instead.

To solve this problem you may have to do a little work on both sides of the communication.

To send the message from the client you do the following:

new RestRequest("<Your URI>");
request.AddParameter("request", tokenRequest.ToJson());
request.AddFile("front", frontImage.CopyTo, "front");
request.AddFile("back", backImage.CopyTo, "back");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");

On my web service side, I accept the json as the argument to the method and manually obtain a reference to the file streams:

public JsonResult MyService(StoreImageRequest request)
    var frontImage = HttpContext.Request.Files["front"].InputStream;
    var backImage = HttpContext.Request.Files["front"].InputStream;
like image 56
C Tierney Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

C Tierney

Multi-part request with JSON body + File parts

If your server can process a multi-part with JSON body and Files parts, then

Client code:

        var req = new RestRequest(UPLOAD_DOC_URLSEGMENT, Method.POST);

        req.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;

        req.AddFileBytes("TestImage", Properties.Resources.TestImage, "TestImage.jpg");

        req.AddHeader("apikey", "MY-API-KEY");
        var resp = restClient.Execute<ApiResult>(req);

Server code:

At the server side such multi-part request should be processed as:

    public JsonResult UploadDoc()
        // This is multipart request. So we should get JSON from http form part:
        MyDocModel doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyDocModel>(Request.Form[0]);
        foreach (string fileName in request.Files)
            HttpPostedFileBase file = request.Files[fileName];
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epox Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
