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Sending an object from javascript to an action method in MVC

I'm trying to send an object from razor view to an action method

my view

 <script type="text/javascript">
function saveExpense()
        var expenseobject = {
            date:$('.txtDate').val() ,
            type:$('.ExpenseType').val() ,
            cost: $('.cost').val(),


            //   url: baseUri+'HomeController/saveexpense',
            url: '@Url.Action("saveexpense", "HomeController")',
            type: 'POST',
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: JSON.stringify({ obj: expenseobject }),
            success: function (result) {


<section id="form">
    <table width="600">
            <td>Select Date:</td>
                <input class="txtDate" type="date" size="20"></td>
            <td>Select Expense Type:</td>
                <select class="ExpenseType">
                    <optgroup label="Room">
                        <option>Room Fare</option>

                    <optgroup label="Mess">
                        <option>Monthly Mess</option>

                    <optgroup label="Others">
                        <option>Bus Fare</option>
                        <option>Mobile Recharge</option>
            <td>Enter Cost:</td>
                <input  class="cost" type="text" size="45" /></td>
            <td>Extra Details:</td>
                <input class="extra" type="text" size="45" /></td>
                <button  onClick="saveExpense();" >Submit</button></td>

And this is my controller

   public ActionResult saveexpense(Expense obj)
            obj.ExpenseId = Guid.NewGuid();
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int total = context.expenses.Sum(x => x.cost);
                return Json(new { spent = total, status = "Saved" });


                return Json(new { status = "Error" });

Where it leaves in the HomeController.cs

when I inspect the response, I find

[HttpException]: The controller for path '/HomeController/saveexpense' was not found or does not implement IController.

like image 744
Mohammed Elrasheed Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 01:11

Mohammed Elrasheed

1 Answers

When specifying the controller name for the Url.Action helper you need to only specify the name of the controller without the word Controller, similar to this:

url: '@Url.Action("saveexpense", "Home")',

Assuming the rest of your code is OK that should work.

like image 62
Nope Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 19:11
