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sendgrid unsubscribe formatting



I'm pressed for time and inherited a sendgrid implementation. There is an unsubscribe option coming across looking like this:

click="" here="">.</>

How do I 1) remove the unsubscribe option? 2) Format the link to something perty?

like image 489
Rob Allen Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 18:08

Rob Allen

1 Answers

Without knowing the specifics about your account configuration, I'm guessing that you probably have the "Subscription Tracking" app enabled in your account. Your options are to (a) use the WYSIWYG editor to change it to something nice or (b) disable the app and do subscription tracking yourself with your own links.

If you sign in to SendGrid and navigate to the "Apps" tab at the very top of the page, you'll see a list of the apps you have on. It should look something like this:

SendGrid Apps dashboard

What you're looking for is the "Subscription Tracking" app. If you click on "settings" next to the app title, you'll be taken to a screen where you can edit the link and behavior. You can alternatively click "disable" to turn it off entirely and implement your own.

If you're still having issues, you can always open a ticket on our support team.

like image 126
Swift Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 22:09
