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Sendgrid API for Ruby on Rails

I can't seem to find a step by step tutorial on how to integrate the Sendgrid web API in to a Ruby on Rails application. I'm pretty new to this so maybe I'm missing something obvious.

I would like to use the Sendgrid web API instead of the smtp delivery method (mailgun talks about the benefits of the web API over the SMTP method here: https://documentation.mailgun.com/quickstart-sending.html, and I was thinking that Sendgrid would either have the same benefits or I would potentially switch to mailgun later).

After installing the sendgrid gem (https://github.com/sendgrid/sendgrid-ruby), the documentation tells me to "Create a new client with your SendGrid API Key", and that I can do it 2 ways:

require 'sendgrid-ruby'

# As a hash
client = SendGrid::Client.new(api_key: 'YOUR_SENDGRID_APIKEY')

# Or as a block
client = SendGrid::Client.new do |c|
  c.api_key = 'YOUR_SENDGRID_APIKEY'

Where specifically in my application am I supposed to put this code? Should I put this in my mailer, my application mailer or in the config/environments/production.rb file?

I took a look at this tutorial that walks through how to set up the Mailgun API: https://launchschool.com/blog/handling-emails-in-rails

According to this tutorial it looks like the line client = SendGrid::Client.new(api_key: 'YOUR_SENDGRID_APIKEY') should actually go in to the mailer method itself. See below for the launchschool.com example (presumably replacing the mailgun specific info with the sendgrid info):

class ExampleMailer < ActionMailer::Base

      def sample_email(user)
    @user = user
    mg_client = Mailgun::Client.new ENV['api_key']
    message_params = {:from    => ENV['gmail_username'],
                      :to      => @user.email,
                      :subject => 'Sample Mail using Mailgun API',
                      :text    => 'This mail is sent using Mailgun API via mailgun-ruby'}
    mg_client.send_message ENV['domain'], message_params

Additionally, how do I get my mailer method to send a mailer view instead of simple text as outlined in the launchschool example? For example, instead of sending the text 'This mail is sent using...' I would like to send a mailer view (something like account_activation.html.erb).

Finally, I am using Devise in my application, and I would like to have Devise use the web API to send emails (ie password reset, etc). Does this mean I need to create a custom mailer for Devise? If so, how do I do that?

According to Devise (https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Use-custom-mailer), I should "create a class that extends Devise::Mailer". Does that mean I simply make a file within my mailer folder with the info laid out in the docs? Do I need a separate mailer for Devise or can I have an existing mailer inherit from the Devise mailer? Finally, how do I tell devise to use the sendgrid web api to send emails (instead of the simple smtp method)?

Sorry for the long question, but hopefully others find it useful.


like image 456
Michael Lee Avatar asked Apr 04 '16 23:04

Michael Lee

People also ask

What is SendGrid API?

SendGrid's web API allows our customers to pull information about their email program without having to actually log on to SendGrid.com. Customers can pull lists, statistics, and even email reports. In addition to this, Customers can send email via the web API without using traditional SMTP.

How do I send an email to ROR?

Go to the config folder of your emails project and open environment. rb file and add the following line at the bottom of this file. It tells ActionMailer that you want to use the SMTP server. You can also set it to be :sendmail if you are using a Unix-based operating system such as Mac OS X or Linux.

How do you send mail in Ruby?

Ways to send email in Ruby If you want to avoid dependencies altogether, use the built-in Net::SMTP. This provides the functionality to send email via SMTP. The drawback of this option is that Net::SMTP lacks functions to compose emails. You can always create them yourself, but this takes time.

1 Answers

I would create a mailer class to do this

class SendgridWebMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  include Sendgrid

  def initialize
    @client = SendGrid::API.new(api_key: ENV['SENDGRID_API_KEY']).client

  def send_some_email(record, token)
    mail = Mail.new
    // do your mail setup here
    mail = Mail.new
    mail.from = Email.new(email: YOUR_EMAIL_HERE)
    mail.subject = YOUR_SUBJECT

    // I personally use sendgrid templates, but if you would like to use html - 
    content = Content.new(
      type: 'text/html',
      value: ApplicationController.render(
        template: PATH_TO_TEMPLATE,
        layout: nil,
        assigns: IF_NEEDED || {}
    mail.contents = content 

    personalization = Personalization.new
    personalization.to = Email.new(email: EMAIL, name: NAME)
    personalization.subject = SUBJECT

    mail.personalizations = personalization
    @client.mail._('send').post(request_body: mail.to_json)

Call it using

SendgridWebMailer.send_some_email(record, token).deliver_later

For Devise

 class MyDeviseMailer < Devise::Mailer
   helper :application # gives access to all helpers defined within `application_helper`.
   include Devise::Controllers::UrlHelpers # Optional. eg. `confirmation_url`

   def reset_password_instructions(record, token, opts={})

      SendgridWebMailer.send_some_email(record, token).deliver_later

in config/devise.rb

# Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
  config.mailer = 'MyDeviseMailer'
like image 73
NoNonsense Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10
