I'm actually working on an API which uses Rails 4. I would like to set the Content-Type
of a request to JSON if the client does not specify a media type in Content-Type
In order to get that behaviour I tried to add the following before_action
in my ApplicationController
def set_request_default_content_type
request.format = :json
In my RegistrationsController#create
method I have a breakpoint to check if everything is working. Well, the request.format
trick does not work, despite the value is set to application/json
it seems that the controller (or Rails internals) do not consider the received request's Content-Type as JSON.
I did a POST request with the following body (and no Content-Type) :
{"user" : {"email":"foobar@mail.net","password":"foobarfoo"}}
By debugging with Pry I see that :
[2] api(#<V1::RegistrationsController>) _ request.format.to_s
=> "application/json"
[3] api(#<V1::RegistrationsController>) _ params
=> {
"action" => "create",
"controller" => "v1/registrations"
It means that Rails did not have considered my request with the request.format configured with Mime::JSON
, but instead with Mime::ALL
and so it didn't parse the request's JSON body. :(
The correct MIME media type for JSON is application/json . JSP will use it for sending a response to the client. Show activity on this post. “ application/json ” is the correct JSON content type.
Content-Type: application/json is just the content header. The content header is just information about the type of returned data, ex::JSON,image(png,jpg,etc..),html. Keep in mind, that JSON in JavaScript is an array or object.
This means when you're sending JSON to the server or receiving JSON from the server, you should always declare the Content-Type of the header as application/json as this is the standard that the client and server understand.
To request JSON from a URL using Python, you need to send an HTTP GET request to the server and provide the Accept: application/json request header with your request. The Accept header tells the server that our Python client is expecting JSON.
You could define a any
type response inside the respond_to
block, which will not restrict your controller to respond when request uri ends with .json
, it also relief you from defining a response type explicitly and will keep, independently of request content-type, responding as you wish, example:
respond_to do |format|
format.any {render :json => {foo: 'bar'}}
Check this SO answer. It uses constraints
as follows
defaults format: :json do
# your v1/registration route here
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