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send dynamic table or div content as an email body content

I have a page (somePage.aspx) and I need the content that has been generated as an Email body

<div id="DV_TimeReportWraper" runat="server" style="display:block">
    <table id="TBL_UsersinTblTime">
       <tr id="TR_UsersinTblTime">
         <td id="TD_H_Name" class="Dg">
         <td id="TD_H_UserID" class="Dg">
         <td id="TD_H_Status" class="Dg">
             initial Stage
         <td id="TD_H_SignOutAutoExeState" class="Dg">
             current Stage
           if(edata != null)
               for (int idx=0;idx<edata.Count;idx++) {
                   var row = edata[idx];
                   bool bgcl = (idx % 2) == 0;
                   string BgCol = "";
                   if (bgcl)
                       BgCol = "#70878F";
                       BgCol = "#E6E6B8";
       <tr style=" background-color:<%=BgCol%>">
           <td id="TD_Name">
               <% = row["name"] %>
            <td id="TD_UserID">
                <%= row["UserId"]%>
            <td id="TD_Status">
                    int uidForSrc = Convert.ToInt32(row["UserId"]);
                    string src = "images/SignedOutNoFrame.png";
                    if (UserDidnotSignOutTimeOut(uidForSrc))
                        src = "images/didnotSignOut.png";
                 <input type="image" src="<% =src %>" style="width:25px" />
             <td id="TD_SignOutAutoExeState" >
                     string EexcSrc = "";
                     string inputType ="hidden";
                     //this updates if needed then returns true= needed update false = isn't need
                     if (UpdatedTimeOutOKForUSER(uidForSrc))
                         inputType = "image";
                         excSrc = "/images/SignedOutNoFrame.png";
                 <input type="<%=inputType %>" src="<%=EexcSrc %>" style="width:25px" />
            if (idx == edata.Count - 1)

code for sendLog()

public void sendLog()
    mail.aReciver="[email protected]";
    mail.cBody = DV_UsersInTblTime.InnerHtml;

I can't get the value of content to assign mail.cBody with.
It's saying something about the value not being a literal etc'.

That is the method I'm using in an external class which works fine till this last attempt to add the functionality of page content as a body, how is it possible to achieve the result as needed here?

public static class mail
    public static string aReciver, bSubject, cBody;
    public static void HentalSend()
        string SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com";
        int port = 587;
        string sender = "[email protected]";
        string ReCiver = aReciver;
        string Subject = bSubject;
        string Body = cBody;
        string account = "[email protected]";
        string Pass = "123456";
        Send(SmtpServer, port, account, Pass, sender, Receiver, Subject, Body);
        ... //send() is another relevant method to this question, it does rest of mail settings
like image 947
LoneXcoder Avatar asked Oct 28 '12 03:10


People also ask

How to send HTML table in email?

Re: Send email with Tabular data in Email body Simplest way is to send an HTML Email (Body Type = text/html) and put a HTML <TABLE> in Body of Email. Regards.

1 Answers

This code will get the generated HTML of your dynamic control in to a string variable.

StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(stringBuilder);
HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(writer);
try {
} catch (HttpException generatedExceptionName) {

string DV_TimeReportWraper_innerHTML = stringBuilder.ToString();

Then just use DV_TimeReportWraper_innerHTML as the body of your email

You might have to create a loop in case this control has children controls. More on that here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/htwek607.aspx#Y472

like image 190
boruchsiper Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
