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Sencha touch vs Dojo Mobile vs jQuery Mobile?

  • I've read the Sencha Touch docs. I feel its MVC model is very attractive but it seems to has a long start-up time, especially with external JavaScript (eg:map).

  • Although I'm comfortable using jQuery in a web site, I have concerns about the maturity of jQuery Mobile. (I haven't tested it yet)

  • I have no idea about Dojo's mobile framework.

Which of these alternatives do you like? Why?

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Alex Chan Avatar asked Dec 12 '11 13:12

Alex Chan

People also ask

Is jQuery Mobile still relevant?

The team announced that the cross-platform jQuery Mobile project under its umbrella is fully deprecated as of October 7, 2021.

What is difference between jQuery and jQuery Mobile?

jQuery is a DOM manipulating/traversing and AJAX JavaScript framework. It abstracts out a lot of the complexity between the different browsers automatically. There are countless jQuery plugins that simplify many task. jQuery Mobile is a UI framework geared to mobile applications that is built on jQuery.

What is the use of jQuery Mobile?

The framework allows developers to build applications that can be accessed by the widest number of browsers and devices, whether it is Internet Explorer 6 or the newest Android or iPhone. Mobile jQuery also gives developers the ability to render basic content (as built) on basic devices.

1 Answers

So what exactly are you requirements? Each framework has different several advantages and disadvantages....

Me personally I use Jquery Mobile, which is now at it's first official release. Don't let version numbers fool you, this has been developed 1 year long and actually works pretty good! The others provide different capabilities:

  1. sencha is based on javascript controls - you create the whole layout from within javascript using JSON notation for properties/actions/events

  2. jqm allows you to use your "standard" HTML and enhances it "auto-magically". In my opinion this is the closest to HTML you'll ever get

  3. Dojo is more about MVC and allows a more structured environment. Haven't used it personally so I can't say too much about it...

Hope this helps

like image 97
Leon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
