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sencha app build native without minify JS

I want be able to build a native app, but without minifying the JS so I can debug it later confortably.

Currently I'm executing:

sencha app build native

How can I be able to build without minifying JS files? Thanks

like image 969
mpinvidio Avatar asked Jun 24 '14 15:06


2 Answers

For native build, you can only have testing option after upgrade to Sencha CMD 5.x, refer to


Under Cordova / PhoneGap

"These build profiles ensure that all of the “sencha app build” command variations are equivalent to previous releases. You will notice, however, that “native” is now a build profile instead of an environment (like “testing” or “production”). This means you can now do “sencha app build native testing” which was previously not possible."

So, the command should be

sencha app build native testing
like image 130
CasualBinary Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09


You need to use this command line instead:

sencha app build testing

That way, all JavaScript source files are bundled but not minified; and you could debug easily.

See Sencha CMD 4 documentation for more details.

like image 40
Zistoloen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
