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Selenium-webdriver (Java Script) wait for element to disappear

driver.wait(until.elementIsPresent(By.css(".popup-backdrop fade")), 15000);

How do I do the opposite of this? I want to wait till the ".popup-backdrop fade" overlay disappears before I click on an element.

I am using Selenium-webdriver (using Javascript and not using Java or Python or C#)

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SUM Avatar asked Apr 07 '16 18:04


3 Answers

Haven't found the negative wait in the code source. A solution would be to implement your own condition:

var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var until = webdriver.until;
var By = webdriver.By;

until.elementIsNotPresent = function elementIsNotPresent(locator) {
  return new until.Condition('for no element to be located ' + locator, function(driver) {
    return driver.findElements(locator).then(function(elements) {
      return elements.length == 0;

driver.wait(until.elementIsNotPresent(By.css(".popup-backdrop fade")), 15000);
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Florent B. Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10

Florent B.

As indicated on the comment to the accepted question, until.Condition is not a valid constructor in Selenium 4. Instead, one can do this:

const { By, until, Condition } = require('selenium-webdriver');

until.elementIsNotPresent = function elementIsNotPresent(locator) {
  return new Condition('for no element to be located ' + locator, function(driver) {
    return driver.findElements(locator).then(function(elements) {
      return elements.length === 0;

The reference to using Condition can be found here: https://github.com/seleniumhq/selenium/issues/2755

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Harvard Pan Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 07:10

Harvard Pan

This is another solution of the problem, more inline (but it works, as opposed to the accepted answer which crashes with "TypeError: until.Condition is not a constructor"):

    await this._webDriver.wait(() => {
        return this._webDriver.findElements(By.id('loadingIndicator')).then(function(found) {
            return found.length === 0;
    }, 3000, 'The element should disappear');
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rideronthestorm Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
