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How to assign a javascript function by classname

I have multiple buttons (generated by php) for a shopping cart application:

<button class="addtocart" id="<?php echo $code; ?>"> 
    <span id="addtocartbutton">Add to cart</span>

I want to update my cart using a function:

function AddtoCart() {

Later, I want to find the id ($code) created by the button which called it (not sure how to do that also, but maybe that's another question). And so I tried this:

document.getElementsByClassName("addtocart").addEventListener("click", AddtoCart());

But it doesn't work. It was working using an onclick, but I understand that the right way to do it by creating an EventListener. Also, I cannot use the on() function in jQuery, because I am forced to use jQuery Version 1.6 which does not have it.

I have looked at https://stackoverflow.com/a/25387857/989468 and I can't really assign it to the parent which is a p tag, because I obviously don't want the other elements in the p tag to be assigned this function.

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Chiwda Avatar asked Jan 31 '16 11:01


2 Answers

While the answers given are correct, there is another way: Event Delegation

Attach the listener to a SINGLE thing, in this case the document body and then check to see what element was actually clicked on:

Warning: Typed on the fly: Untested

// Only needed *once* and items may be added or removed on the fly without
// having to add/remove event listeners.
document.body.addEventListener("click", addtoCart);

function addtoCart(event) {
    var target = event.target;

    while(target) {
      if (target.classList.contains('addtocart')) {
      // Note: May want parentElement here instead.
      target = target.parentNode;

    if (!target) {

    var id = target.dataset.id;
    alert(id + " added!");
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Jeremy J Starcher Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Jeremy J Starcher

You should attach click event to every element with class addtocart, since getElementsByClassName() return an array of all objects with given class name so you could use for to loop through everyone of them and associate it with function you want to trigger on click (in my example this function called my_function), check example bellow :

var class_names= document.getElementsByClassName("addtocart");

for (var i = 0; i < class_names.length; i++) {
    class_names[i].addEventListener('click', my_function, false);

Hope this helps.

function my_function() {

var class_names= document.getElementsByClassName("addtocart");

for (var i = 0; i < class_names.length; i++) {
    class_names[i].addEventListener('click', my_function, false);
<button class="addtocart" id="id_1">button 1</button>
<button class="addtocart" id="id_2">button 2</button>
<button class="addtocart" id="id_3">button 3</button>
<button class="addtocart" id="id_3">button 4</button>
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Zakaria Acharki Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Zakaria Acharki