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selenium test in headless mode with Xvfb



i need to run selenium tests in a headless mode using Xvfb, in the pom.xml i have:




when i run mvn integration-test, it failed to load Xvfb, selenium tests were still ran in firefox, i checked the following:

(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/X11/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (dlopen(/usr/X11/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so, 5): image not found)
(EE) GLX: could not load software renderer
(EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
(EE) XKB: No components provided for device Virtual core keyboard

anyone know what that means? Thanks.

like image 660
user468587 Avatar asked Jan 11 '11 04:01


1 Answers

Adding -extension GLX to your Xvfb command line may remove the first two errors.

like image 179
Jamie Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 04:11
